This is quite a special trip that visits very remote places where not many people have dived. Also, very interesting seeing to different worlds just divided by islands. We will start in Maumere Bay, we will visit some islands like Pulau Babi, that suffer and devastating earthquake on December 1992, originating a Tsunami and creating a crack on the island that can be seen underwater.
The scenery above water is also spectacular as we can see 3 volcanos from our anchor place. In the north Flores Sea, we can find beautiful coral walls with overhangs and crevices, where you can find the tiniest pygmy seahorse to white tip reef sharks sleeping in the corals.
Weather depending, we could visit the south of Pantar Island as Pulau Lembata that has to offer a very different landscaping. In the South Savu Sea has currents with different nutrients and a colder water temperature give life to another dimension. Bays full of exceptional world-class macro and isolated rocks out at sea make this especial diving were the critters seems from another planet.
In Alor, we find yet again great diversity, from vertical coral walls to sloping gardens covered in anemones for miles on end. We can dive an active volcano where you can see hot air bubbles coming from the rocks. Because we are in the Pantar Strait that brings lots of nutrients, we can also expect to see some dolphins or even whales welcoming us into the bay. With a bit of luck, the coolers currents bring us the Mola Mola or even Thresher shark.
We can visit a village that still lives the traditional ways and they will invite us for a traditional ceremony with dance performance. Near our anchoring in Pura Island we get the village kids with their wooden crafted goggles, showing off their free diving skills. Almost always locals approach the boat with their finest handcrafted “Ikat” Fabrics made by a traditional technique in which they wrap threads and tie-dyed before weaving.
Kalabahi Bay in West Alor has world-class muck diving in the bay, many different ghost pipefish hide in the mucky bottom, many nudi’s and all families of scorpion fish even the elusive rhy-nopia commonly spotted here.
Wetar island has spectacular drop offs, walls covered in black coral bushes with massive barrel sponges.
Gunung Api is an active volcano, but is most famous for its population of sea snakes and seabirds. The birds will come and greet you far before you reach the island. From the moment you jump in you are surrounded by sea snakes.
They are very friendly and will leave you alone to enjoy the dramatic lava formations in this unique underwater location. Huge barrel sponges, sea wipes, sea fans, hard and soft corals. We have been very lucky to spot hammerheads here.
In Damar, Terbang Selatan and Terbang Utara deserted islands with steep walls and the most pristine coral garden on top of the reef.
Nil Desperandum is an underwater seamount rising from the depths to about 3 meters below the surface right in the middle of Banda Sea. Besides the unspoiled coral encounters with the bigger pelagic tuna, rainbow runners, spanish mackerel. Serua Island from September to November is known as migrations areas for Hammerheads sharks.
On Dawera Island we can visit a small but very self-sustainable village. They have solar power panels and a generator. There is a school and a doctor’s office and is full of overly friendly people to welcome you and show you around the village where the streets even have names. They have a good understanding of self-sustainability and therefore are very protective and regulate their fish population. They have shown us 2 amazing underwater pinnacles booming with fish life.
If you have time to spend in Saumlaki on Tanimbar island, we recommend you to go visit the woodcarvers.